Integral Leadership & Management Framework

After 20 years of application and refinement, this model has been shown to be highly relevant, practical and successful in helping individuals, teams and organizations develop to a new level of performance.  One of the distinctive features of this approach is its inclusion of ‘Authentic Self’ qualities of human beings.  This dimension has been shown by research to be an important determinant of highly effective leaders.

Our Integral Leadership & Management Framework

The four quadrants translate into the four ‘functions’ of leadership & management:

  • people leadership,
  • transformational/visionary leadership,
  • task/performance management, and
  • strategic goal management.

The functions of leadership & management incorporate the skills and behaviours of individuals, teams and organizations.

With Ken Wilber’s Integral Model at its core, the Integral Leadership & Management Framework was developed specifically for application to business and leadership by Dr. Ron Cacioppe after reviewing 30 years of research on leadership and management.

This Framework also incorporates the research of Harvard Professor, John Kotter, which describes the fundamental aspects and differences of leadership and management.

Dr. Cacioppe has also built this model upon the work of Robert Quinn’s Competing Values Framework.  This Framework, one of the most recognized and researched in Europe and the USA, describes eight roles of leadership and management.