With over 25 years of experience, The Integral Business Leadership Group is a Leadership and Organization Development consulting service dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and pragmatic solutions for lasting results.

Our Core Team includes:

Joseph Zepedeo, M.Sc.

Founder and President of The Integral Business Leadership Group, Joseph is an experienced consultant and coach bringing about transformational change and development at the individual, team and organizational levels. He has been providing service for over 25 years to a variety of clients in the public and private sectors in both union and non-union environments.
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Dr. Ron Cacioppe

With over 30 years’ experience in conducting leadership and team development programs in Australia, Southeast Asia and the United States, Dr. Cacioppe is the Managing director, executive coach and senior consultant with Integral Development which is headquartered in Perth, Australia. Ron works in close collaboration with The Integral Leadership Business Group as a Core Team Member.
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Jill Malleck

With more than 20 years of experience, Jill is passionate about helping individuals, teams and organizations accelerate positive change. Her focus areas include Coaching, Facilitation and HR Projects. Many of Jill’s clients are executive leaders who appreciate her practical and insightful ways of building new capacities based on clear objectives and deliverables.
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Staffan Rydin, B.Sc.

CEO of The Integral Business Leadership Group and an Integral Master Coach™ , Staffan is a former CEO of leading tech company and has consulted for and coached a wide variety of business leaders in both Scandinavia and Canada. He specializes in helping CEOs, entrepreneurs and others leaders transform themselves and their teams to a new level of performance.
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Andrew N. Johnson

Andrew is an expe­rienced facilitator and executive coach with an extensive background in eco­nomics and national politics. He specializes in facilitating Partnering, conflict resolution, team building, strategic plan­ning, alliancing, and encouraging people to work together more effectively, do more with less and achieve better results, faster.
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Lois MacNaughton

Lois achieves a strong sense of fulfillment helping individuals, teams and organizations create the future they desire. Using her strong skills and experience as a Certified Professional Coach, facilitator, trainer and mediator, Lois helps her clients see the bigger picture and quickly breaks down the barriers that prevent connection and communication.
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Roxanne Cameron, MA

Roxanne has over 10 years experience coaching executives and leaders on a wide range of leadership topics. In addition to one-on-one coaching, Roxanne has led Executive Action Learning Groups with a wide range of public sector clients. Currently, Roxanne leads a series of coaching groups for the Association of Public Service Executives.
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Atta Emami

 Participating in the world of business and IT since 1996, Atta brings a blended mixture of leadership presence, business strategy, and advanced change expertise to create highly efficient individuals and teams within organizations. His core focus is on how to facilitate transformational change for organizations, teams, and individuals.
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